Rayfin Aux Devices
Rayfin Aux Devices feature is only available on Channels where a Rayfin is selected as a Channel Input.

Rayfin Aux ports simplify integration by supporting LEDs, Lasers, Pan & Tilt devices and NMEA sensors. The current supported device types are listed in the AUX devices dropdown selection field:
No Device
SubC Laser
Kongsberg Pan & Tilt
NMEA Sensors (plug and play with Aux Ports)
TTL +NMEA Sensor

When you select SubC LED, fields to adjust the Lamp Brightness and Strobe Brightness appear. Adjust the Lamp &/or Strobe brightness using the “-” & “+” buttons. These setting will be remembered when you close the Channel &/or close/reopen the DVR+O application.

SubC Laser
When lasers are plugged in, for safety they remained powered off.
Invert Manta Ray Laser
If the laser control button indication is inverted from the expected Off / On (opposite from the normal expected indication as illustrated in the images below), Click “Invert Manta Ray Laser” under Menu → Rayfin Aux Devices to invert so that the On / Off button indication is accurate.
Aux Devices Controls
When you select SubC LED and SubC Laser those devices are activated and can now be used via the Aux Devices controls on the top Rayfin Camera control bar
Kongsburg Pan & Tilt
When you select a Kongsburg Pan & Tilt device, the following controls are available to interact with this device.

Mounting Orientation: Select the option that matches the orientation in which you have mounted the Pan & Tilt device to your ROV. 0 indicates upright, 90 indicates it’s mounted to the right, etc.
Mounting Orientation: 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 degrees.
Invert Tilt Controls: Sometimes the camera may be installed in the P&T mount “backwards” thereby causing the motion of the controls to appear to do the opposite of what is wanted. Example: If you push the Control to pan up but the response is pan down. Click “Invert Tilt Controls” to align the P&T Controls with the camera’s current orientation.
Directional Control: Inside this circle, drag the center node in any direction to instruct the Pan & Tilt device to move in that direction.
Pan: The current Pan position in degrees
Tilt: The current Tilt position in degrees
Disable end-stops: Positional limits can be set on the Kongsburg Pan & Tilt device. Click Disable end-stops allows you to override these positional limits.

When Kongsberg Pan & Tilt is selected the Directional Control circle will also appear in the bottom right corner of the DVR+O / SCI UI Main screen.
Click Arrow Key to move up, down, left and right
Click a/z to Zoom in/out
Click q to Toggle AF/MF
Click s/x to Focus near/far

NMEA Sensor
Sensors such as altimeters and CTD can be connected to the Rayfin Aux ports. To work properly it will need to be configured correctly.
The cable pinout has to match Aux bulkhead wiring.
Configured for serial RS485 @ 9600 or 115200 baud.
The device has to be set to a 1Hz or slower output rate.
The string is a standard NMEA format starting with a ‘$' character and ending in a ‘\n’ or ‘\r’ character
Has to be able to handle voltage from 24-30Vdc
Configuring in Software
Select the NMEA Sensor under Rayfin Aux Devices on the port that matches your hardware configuration, select the baud rate, then click apply.

TTL + NMEA Sensor
You can connect a Y-splitter to the aux port and connect both a NMEA Sensor as described above and a TTL Laser. By selecting the “TTL + NMEA Sensor” device you can control both in unison.
Configuring in Software
Select “TTL + NMEA Sensor” under Rayfin Aux Devices on the port that matches your hardware configuration, select the baud rate, then click apply.
Invert TTL
Some older TTL lasers were manufactured with their on/off logic reversed. If the laser responds to on/off commands opposite to what is expected this behavior can be corrected by checking “Invert TTL” and then clicking apply.