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Still Settings


Select Menu → Still Settings

Still Settings menu and RDI is available on Channels where a Rayfin camera is selected as a Channel Input. When using other Channel Input types, you can still take a still by clicking the Camera icon at the bottom/ center of the DVR+O /SCI UI.



Still / Framegrab (w/ Overlay) - When you have applied Overlays, use the Still / Framegrab (w/ Overlay) slider button to save an image with or without including the Overlays.


When the slider button is set in the Still (left) position, you also can adjust the JPEG Quality using the Low, Balanced or High buttons to decrease / increase the JPEG quality settings.

When you click the Camera button to take a Still image it will be saved to a .jpg file with the Overlay excluded.


With the slider button set in the Framegrab (w/ Overlay) (right) position, (JPEG Quality controls buttons are inactive in this mode), when you click the Camera button to take an image it will be saved to a .jpg file with the Overlay included.


When the RDI slider button is set to Single, when you click the Camera button, only one Still image will be saved to a .jpg file.

(The Capture Rate controls are inactive in this mode).


When the RDI slider button is set to Rapid Digital Imaging, notice the Camera button now has RDI to indicate it is in Rapid Digital Imaging mode.


The Capture Rate controls are also now active allowing you to use the “-” and “+” button to decrease/increase the seconds between stills taken (increment of .5 seconds).

When you click the Camera button with RDI active, still images will be taken in rapid succession at the Capture Rate you specify, until you click the Camera button again to stop taking RDI Stills.

  • Restart on Failure - When selected, if RDI fails, the DVR+O application will automatically restart Rayfin camera and continue.


EXIF Data displays GPS coordinates.

EXIF data is automatically added to images taken as metadata when using a standard NMEA GPS.

Custom data can be configured to the SubC supplied $EXIF format.

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