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System Requirements

SubC recommends the following system configurations for optimal DVR+O / SCI performance.


1x HD Camera with Black box, Overlay, and Recording

1x HD Camera with Overlay, Recording, and Streaming

1x HD Camera with Black box, Overlay, Recording and Streaming


Intel Core i5, 2.50 GHz

Intel Core i7, 3.0 GHz

Intel Core i7, 3.0 GHz



16GB DDR4+

16GB DDR4+

Video Card

Nvidia GeForce GTX1050Ti or better

Nvidia GeForce GTX1050Ti or better

Nvidia GeForce GTX1050Ti or better

Capture Card(s)

Osprey 460e

Osprey 460e, Decklink Duo

Osprey 460e, Decklink Duo, Decklink 4K

Currently, Nvidia Video Card is required to use H264 and H265 codec.

Screen Resolution - At lower resolutions some text and elements of the DVR+O UI may overlap each other. To avoid this, we recommend no less than 1600x900 for your system screen resolution.

See View display settings in Windows

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