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What's New in DVR+O v7.8.0

Blackbox Feature


Ability to select SD/HD for recording quality. Default is HD.

Click “Downscale Blackbox to SD” to select.

Recording Feature


Ability to select various Framerates (fps)

Auto | 60 | 59.94| 50 | 30 | 29.97| 25 | 20 | 15 | 5

Auto will adapt to whatever the Framerate the camera / video Input source is outputting (up 60 fps)

Outline Overlay Text

By adding a contrasting color outline to your Overlay Text, when the video background changes from light to dark / dark to light, your text will remain visible. Select a base Color for your text and select Stroke Color and Stroke Thickness for your text outline.

See Menu → Overlay → Text


UDP Broadcast

Select Menu → Data InputUDP Broadcast to connect to data being broadcast over your network by specifying Port only. (This is different from regular Data Input → UDP, where you must supply both the Data Source system IP address and Port)



Blackbox Start | Stop Button

Once you’ve selected your Blackbox recording files destination folder (via Menu → Blackbox Settings), you can control Blackbox Start | Stop directly within the DVR+O/ SCI Main UI view


Blackbox Settings

Blackbox settings are now accessible through Menu → Blackbox Settings

Keyboard Shortcut “hot keys”


We added keyboard shortcuts to control Rayfin Zoom In/Out, Kongsberg Pan Tilt and taking Stills in DVR+O / SCI. See Keyboard Shortcut Keys

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