Rayfin Camera Models
Rayfin Mk1 Benthic Models 6000m Depth Rating
HD over Ethernet
Live video, control and media are transferred over 10/100 and Gigabit Ethernet. Composite video and serial control for older system compatibility
HD over Coax
Uncompressed HD video transferred over HD-SDI. Live video and stills are also transferred over Ethernet connection. Serial control included.
Ultra HD over Fiber Optics
4K over fiber optics. Ethernet, HD video and comms for uncompromised live video quality. Serial control included.
HDE Camera HDE Depth HDC Camera UHDF Camera
Rayfin Mk1 Coastal 500m Depth Rating
Boost Power Comms
Boosted Power and Ethernet over two wires. This technology enables signals over up to 410m of cable. Used for tow and drop camera systems to reduce the cost of cabling dramatically.
BPC Camera BPC Unit