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Blackbox Settings

Blackbox settings are now accessible through Menu → Blackbox Settings


Directory - Displays the current Blackbox folder

Browse - Click the Browse button to open and create/select a folder to store your Blackbox recording files.

Open - Click to open File Explorer in the current Blackbox folder

Folder Limit - Move the slide button to set the desired Blackbox folder size limit.

Blackbox recordings will not be overwritten until after an estimated # Day(s) # Hour(s) of recording.

The Days and Hours values will be based on the size allocated to your Blackbox folder.

Downscale Blackbox to SD - Downscale from HD (High Definition) to SD (Standard Definition)

Use GPU - Select to utilize the systems GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) rather than the system CPU (Central Processing Unit)

Also see Media Capture Wizard → Blackbox section for more information.

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