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Screen Capture

Screen Capture Input

This Screen Capture feature allows you to select your computer screen content (Screen Capture) or a specific window (Window Capture) that is open on the computer as Input to a Channel.

  1. Back arrow – Returns to the Input selection screen.

  2. Device → Please Select – Choose Screen Capture or Window Capture.

    2.1 Screen Capture – Captures the full computer monitor display. Click Start

2.2 Window Capture – Captures a specific window on your computer monitor display. (For example, you could select a window that has a still image, a local running video .mp4 video file, or an internet streaming video on a platform such as YouTube)

When using the Window Capture option, keep the window you selected in a non-minimized state.

  1. Device → Drop-down field – select Window Capture.

  2. Window → Please Select – Drop-down field showing all available open windows on your computer screen.

  3. Load By Window Name – Checkbox field when selected show windows by name instead of process ID.

  4. Refresh – Refreshes all open windows on your screen to ensure they appear in the drop-down list.

  5. Start button – Begin displaying the selected Window activity. 

  1. Show Media Capture Wizard checkbox

Checked → When the Start button is clicked, the input video feed will start and the Media Capture Wizard is presented.


  1. You can click Enable Black Box and follow the prompts to configure Black Box

  2. Or you can Click Skip (in this case the Media Capture window will then appear).

  3. Or you can click Cancel Wizard button (in this case neither BlackBox or Media Capture will appear) and the video input will display.

Unchecked → When the Start button is clicked, the input video feed will start the video input without presenting the Media Capture Wizard.

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