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The Blackbox, Record, Framegrab, and Stream buttons are located at the bottom, center of the DVR+O / SCI UI an active Channel.


When you have a channel configured with a video input, click on the Blackbox button to Start Blackbox recording.

If you have not yet assigned a file folder to store the Blackbox recordings, the File Explorer window will open when you click the Blackbox button. Choose a folder and click “Select Folder”. The File Explorer window will close and Blackbox recording will begin.


Notice the Blackbox button changes by including a red square to indicate Blackbox recording is in progress. Click this button again to Stop Blackbox recording. The button then changes back to the Start Blackbox recording button.

When you have a channel configured with a video input, click on the Start Record button to begin recording.

If you have not yet assigned a file folder to store the recordings, the File Explorer window will open when you click the Record button. Choose a folder and click “Select Folder”. The File Explorer window will close, and recording will begin.

Notice the Recording Button changes from a circle to a square. When it is square, Recording is in progress. Click this square to Stop Recording. The button then changes back to the Start Recording (circle) button.


Click on the Camera button to take a Framegrab / Still photo. This can be done any time the video input on the channel is active (including while the Channel is or is not Recording &/or Streaming).

RDI will appear on the Camera icon when RDI is turned on.


If you have not yet assigned a file folder to store the framegrabs, the File Explorer window will open when you click the Camera button. Choose a folder and click “Select Folder”. The File Explorer will close and the current frame, when you clicked the Camera button, will be saved to the selected folder.

Also notice a subtle indicator appears when you take a framegrab – a thin square outline briefly appears closing in over the video, then disappears.

Click on the Start Streaming button to start Streaming the current active Channel.

When Streaming is started, the Streaming button icon changes to indicate that Streaming is currently in progress. Click this button to Stop Streaming and the button icon changes back to the Start Streaming icon again.

Thumbnails for quick review


Notice also, as you Record, take Stills / Framgrabs, thumbnails of your most recent saved videos / images appear on the bottom-left of the UI for quick review access. If there is Data Input present, the most recent data recorded thumbnail also appears.

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