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Include Data as part of your Overlay.

The Data Overlay works in conjunction with the Data Input feature located in the DVR+O main menu.

When you connect a Channel to a Rayfin camera, its Data is automatically available. You can also add other Data Input sources. See Menu → Data Inputs

Below are examples using Rayfin camera Data for Data Overlay.

Example 1: Rayfin Data Input Data-Match $SDDBT - Header

Select Input: Rayfin [IP @ Port], Header, Header To Match $SDDBT and, example Format: Altitude {3} {4}


Altitude: with its value (from {3} data input field) and “M” (to indicate Meters from {4} data input field) is displayed in the Bottom-Left (or where you choose to display it)

Example 2: Rayfin Data Input - Select Defined - All Data Inputs will automatically display as Overlay…


You can then refine the Data Inputs from this list by selecting only the fields you wish to include via the data filed dropdown list and click Add Definition as you select each one.


Your selected fields will populate in the Format field (below the Add Definition button)


You can further refine the Format field content by adding Field Titles and \n new line characters for a better display data Overlay.

Example: Altitude Feet: {AltitudeFeet} /n Altitude Meters: {AltitudeMeter} \n Depth: {Depth} \n Temp: {Temp}


Note, data field definitions are identified in the C:\SubC DVR+O v7\datadefinitions.json file.

This is helpful to know so that you can include each field title when applying these data values as overlays in the Overlay → Data → Format: field.

Example - Format: Altitude {3} {4} outputs image-20240619-114311.png overlay.



Reminder: Channel Settings Menu → Data Input

Before you can include Data Inputs in your Overlays, you must first set up Data Inputs. See previous Data Input section for setup details.

The Data Inputs you establish will then be available for inclusion in the Data Overlay menu.

In the Overlays Data Match section

  1. Inputs “Please select an input
    Options are:

    1. Presentation Data

    2. Determined by your Data Input [Serial, UDP or TCP with IP and Port ]

      1. Example: UDP @6677

  2. Header
    Select to match the desired data values available in your Data Input.

    1. Header
      Header is the first field value in the data string.

    2. Expression
      An expression is a statement that generates a value on evaluation

Example - Header

  1. Inputs
    Data Input → UDP @6677

  2. Header

    1. Header to Match$-SUBC

    2. Format → Easting {5}W
      {5} is the fifth field value in the input data string; Easting and W are just added text to identify what the field value represents.

Incoming data sample:

$-SUBC,3/15/2023 3:11:06 PM,0,796,3932,11952,3,778,798,86

You can filter the data from the Header, $-SUBC using indexes to select one or multiple field values to display in the Overlay.

  • {1} = 3/15/2023 3:11:06 PM

  • {2} = 0

  • {3} = 796

  • {4} = 3932

  • {5} = 11952

  • etc.

Example - Expression

  1. Inputs
    Data Input → UDP @6677

  2. Expression

    1. Expression to Match(\d+\/\d+\/\d+)\s(\d+:\d+:\d+\s\w+)

    2. Format (optional) → Date: {0} \nTime: {1}

As the Data Input flows, each time a line appears with the value that matches the Header or Expression you have identified, those lines of input will appear as the Data Overlay on the video.

Other Fields

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