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IP Camera

IP Camera Input

An IP camera is a type of digital video camera that uses Internet Protocol to connect to a network.

You connect to an IP camera through its IP address (or DNS name if you have assigned a name to the camera’s IP address) to access its video as input to the DVR+O system Channels.


  1. Back Arrow – Returns to the Input selection screen.

  2. Decoder - Options: Quicksync, CPU or Nvidia*

    • Nvidia option will only appear if the system has Nvidia Video Card installed.

  3. Framerate - Select your framerate preference [Default will used the current framerate setting of the input device or select from range [ 60 | 59.94 | 50 | 30 | 29.97 | 25 ]

  4. Camera Address - Enter the IP Camera Input address
    Syntax Examples:

    1. rtsp://[ipaddress]:[port]/path Example: rtsp://

    2. rtsp://[cameraname]:[port]/path Example: rtsp://Camera1:5540/ch0

    3. If your Camera requires login credentials

      1. rtsp://[username]:[password]@[ipddress]:[port]/path
        Example: rtsp://admin:openit@

      2. rtsp://[username]:[password]@[cameraname]:[port]/path
        Example: rtsp://admin:openit@Camera1:5540/ch0

  5. Protocol - Drop-down field options: Default, UDP or TCP

  6. Parameters - Use the default values unless you have a requirement to adjust them.
    network.low_delay=true network.min_buffer=0.0 network.max_buffer=0.5 loop=true

This Parameters field will only appear if you have selected “Show RTSP connection parameters” in Menu → Settings → Admin Settings section.


  1. Auto Detected Cameras

ONVIF Camera Discovery
If you have ONVIF cameras on your network, a list of each detected camera will appear in a darkened block like in the image below. Enter the ONVIF Camera authentication username and password here.

Click the Connect button (below Username/Password) to connect to the ONVIF camera.

Please Note: In the IP Camera Input type configuration panel, QuickSync (H264 only) may appear in the Decoder selection field if you have DVR+O /SCI installed on a system that has an Intel processor that only supports H264 (In this example, this i5 Intel processor does not support H265, only supports H264).

If you get this message, it maybe because you are trying to connect to a camera configured for H265, but your processor does not support H265.

As the message suggests, change the Decoder to CPU and try to connect to the IP camera again or adjust the encoder of the camera.


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