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v3.5 Rayfin Software

Rayfin Control Software (RCS) runs topside and is designed for a fast and easy user experience.

To get up to speed quickly, there is a video tutorial for Rayfin software here:

RSC Overview

When Rayfin control software launches, you will see the available Rayfin camera(s) in the top left-hand corner of the UI. You can select a Rayfin from this list to connect or you also have the option of entering the Rayfin camera’s IP Address or Serial Number directly into the “Enter Serial Number or IP Address” filed and click Connect.

DHCP and Auto Detection

The Rayfin software polls the network every 10 seconds to find cameras using the Network Service Discovery (NSD) protocol

  • A DHCP server (often a router) will automatically assign an IP address to each device connected to the network.

  • Auto detection works when the camera is configured for DHCP.

  • Select a Rayfin Camera from the detected list on the left of the UI or enter the Serial Number or IP Address of a Camera and click Connect. See C17. Settings Menu → Communication section below.

Once RCS has connected to a Camera, your will see the following RCS User Interface (UI). All of the features of the RCS UI are described below.

Camera Controls

C1. Recording Time remaining

C2. Estimate Number of Stills remaining

C3. Depth

C4. Altitude (Altitude requires an external NMEA compatible sensor to be attached to an Auxiliary port on the camera.)

C5. Heading

C6. Tilt

C7. Roll

C8. Strobe Compensation

C9. Strobe Toggle (Picture Flash)

C10. Auto/Manual Exposure toggle

C11. Auto Exposure value

C12. Shutter Speed

C13. ISO Value

C14. Auto/manual focus toggle

C15. Manual focus adjustment

C16. Disconnect

C17. Settings Menu (See below)

C18. Start / Stop Recording

C19. Take a Still. Hold to take continuous Stills.

C20. Zoom Controls.

Temperature - Shows only if camera is overheating.


When you select Settings → Aux Devices → TTL Laser or TTL Laser NMEA Sensor, the Laser icon will appear in the top, left of the RCS UI.

Also, the Laser Setting icon will appear. See S10. Laser Settings below.


Most of the Settings icons you see on the left of the UI appear when you connect to a Rayfin. Additional icons appear when you use the Settings menu and select these additional specific features. When you click on each of these icons, a corresponding menu will appear. Each of these Settings menus are shown below.

S1. Recording settings

  • Name - Accept the recording file name default format ${yyyy}-${MM}-$dd} - ${hh}${mm}} or you can modify the name format if you wish.

  • Directory - Identify the system folder path where you wish to store your video recording files.

  • Tags - This drop down menu serves as a convenient way to change the recording file name format in the Name field. Place the cursor in the Name field, then select a format option form the Tags dropdown menu and click Insert to place that format tag into the recording file name format field.

  • Quality - Select your preferred recording quality format.

  • Encoder - Select your preferred encoder format from this dropdown field.

S2. Stills settings


  • Name - Accept the recording file name default format ${yyyy}-${MM}-$dd} - ${hh}${mm}} or you can modify the name format if you wish.

  • Directory - Identify the system folder path where you wish to store your stills files.

  • Tags - This drop down menu serves as a convenient way to change the recording file name format in the Name field. Place the cursor in the Name field, then select a format option form the Tags dropdown menu and click Insert to place that format tag into the recording file name format field.

  • Image Format - Options are Jpeg or MP4

  • Jpeg Format Quality

  • Maximum Files Per Directory


  • Directory - Identify the system folder path where you wish to store your continuous stills files.

  • Continuous Rate (Stills/Sec) - Select the number of continuous stills to take per second

S3. White Balance / Color

White Balance - Select Auto or Manual from this drop down field.

If Auto selected, the RCS will automatically adjust the white / color balance.

If Manual selected, adjust the numbers in the RGB bars to your preference.

S4. Gallery

Click to open File Manger where your video & stills are stored.

S5. Network Attached Storage (NAS)

If you wish to use Network Attached Storage, enter the NAS IP in the Server IP Address field and enter the Share path. Click Connect.

S6. Data Input

  • Click the Data Input icon on the main interface

  • Click the plus (+) button

  • Choose the source type (UDP/TCP/Serial)

  • Enter connection information (IP and port number or comm port number and baud rate) then click the Connect button

See Data Input & EXIF page

S7. Data Logging

Data Logging

  • Logging Frequency

    • Start or Stop

  • Orientation:

    • Vertical or Horizontal

  • Settings

    • Set IMU Zero

    • Reset IMU Zero

See Data Logging page

S8. Lamp / LED Settings


  • Lamp Brightness

    • Turn the lamp On / Off

    • Adjust the brightness - / +

    • Max - to set to maximum brightness

  • Strobe Brightness

    • Adjust Strobe (flash) brightness - / +

S9. Pan & Tilt

Pan And Tilt

  • Up, down, left, and right: Move the pan-tilt device one increment in that direction 

  • Stop: Stop the pan-tilt from moving

  • Mounting Orientation

    • Horizontal or Vertical

  • Pan & Tilt will display the motion increment in degrees.

S10. Laser Settings


Some brands of Lasers respond opposite to the On / Off commands sent when these buttons are clicked. Click Invert TTL so that the Laser responds correctly to On / Off.

S11. Picture in Picture

Click Picture in Picture to display another, smaller image of the Camera view in the bottom, right of the UI. Click again to switch the small image with the larger main image. Click again to remove this smaller picture in picture image.

S12. Image Enhancement

Alternatively, click Image Enhancement to adjust the main image view to the equivalent of picture in picture.

C17. Settings Menu

The Settings Menu options are described in the pages that follow.

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