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The Presentation Input in SubC Stream takes an active Streaming Presentation as its video input source.

Presentations are created & configured in SubC Streaming Service Web application and are accessible in SubC Stream Desktop application as Presentation Input.

The Presentation (created in the SubC Streaming Service web application, Menu → Presentations) must be assigned to a Channel and Streaming in order for the Presentation to be available to DVR+O / SCI Channel as Presentation Input.

Below is an overview of the Presentations Input in the Stream Desktop UI

  1. Back arrow – Return to the Input options window.

  2. Presentation Stream - Select if you want to connect to a regular streaming Presentation (not a One-Time Stream)

  3. One-Time Stream - Select if you want to connect to a One-Time Stream. Note how the options are different when One-Time Stream is selected. See One-Time Stream page for details.



    Continuing with Presentation Stream overview…

  4. Refresh - Reload the list of currently streaming Presentations if you do not yet see the name of the Presentation to which you want to connect.

  5. Presentations – Drop-down field shows a list of Presentations created in the SubC Streaming Service Web application from which you can select.

    1. The Presentation you select must be active. An active Presentation is identified by a green illuminated button in front of the Presentation Name.

  6. Source – Select the Channel that is streaming the video to the Presentation

  7. Access Code Enter the Access Code for the selected Presentation.
    A unique Access Code is assigned to each Presentation created in the SubC Streaming Service web application. The Access Code ensures only those who you invite to your Presentations can login to the Presentation Web Viewer to view your presentation. (Optional, see below)

    1. To find a Presentation Access Code, go to SubC Streaming Services web application, select the Menu → Presentations, select the Presentation and see Access Code.

  8. Start – Click Start to begin the input Source with selected settings.

Presentations using Transmission Type: Smooth

SRT Receiver Latency Low | Medium | High

If you have selected a Presentation that is streaming via Transmission Type: Smooth, once the Presentation and Source is selected, the SRT Receiver Latency Low | Medium | High buttons appear. These settings allow you to adapt to variations in your Network quality.

You can select Low = 2s, Medium = 5s, High = 10s - whichever best suits your current Network conditions. For example, if you have optimal Network conditions, low dropouts, less buffering required, select Low for 2 seconds of buffering. If you need more buffering, select Medium for 5 seconds or High for 10 seconds.


Ignore Access Code - Optional

If you prefer not to have to enter a Presentation Access Code, you can select Menu → Settings → Admin Settings -->Ignore Access Code

Select Menu → Settings → Admin Settings → Ignore Access Code


You can also use a Presentation as an input to a Channel, so we’ve made Presentation Access Code optional as a convenience for this specific purpose.

Check Ignore Access Code. When Ignore Access Code is checked on, the Presentations Input selection window will omit the Access Code field.


Select an active Presentation and its Source Channel [Ignore Access Code is on], Click Start

Example: For demonstration purposes only - This is not a typical use case.

Below is an image of Stream Channel 1 Streaming video to a Presentation called “SubC Stream Presentation” and Channel 2 is configured with Input type Presentation, taking in “SubC Stream Presentation”.


Typically, the Streaming Channel would be configured on another PC running a SubC Stream enabled application. In this example we are just using the same Stream desktop application to illustrate a sending side Streaming (Channel 1) and receiving side using Presentation Input (Channel 2).

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