License Options & Software Installation

When you purchase SubC DVR+O / SCI software, you have two licensing method options.
Option 1 - Portable License Dongle
If you wish to have the flexibility to relocate the DVR+O / DVR+O SCI applications to various systems, we will provide you with the DVR+O Software installation file on a flash drive and the Software CodeMeter License on a dongle.
Plug the flash drive that contains the SubC DVR+O Software installation file into a USB port on the system you wish to install.
Open a Windows File Explorer and navigate to the flash drive.
You can copy the Installation file to a folder on your system and run the installation from that location if you so choose.
Run the DVR+O installer and follow the prompts through the installation process.
Plug the CodeMeter License dongle into the system.
The DVR+O / DVR+O SCI applications will not run unless the CodeMeter License dongle is plugged into the system. If you wish to run DVR+O / DVR+O SCI application on multiple systems simultaneously, you will require a CodeMeter License for each system.
Option 2 - Dedicated Virtual License
If you wish to use DVR+O / SCI on a single system
We can provide you with a link to download the DVR+O / SCI software installation bundle and we will provide you with a virtual CodeMeter License Update file to upload onto that specific system.
Your SubC Sales representative will contact SubC Support Team to make a request to generate your DVR+O / SCI virtual License Request & License Update file.
Software Download
Download the latest version of DVR+O / SCI -
We’ve also included an indicator at the top, right of the DVR+O / SCI UI to let you know when there is a newer version of the DVR+O / SCI software available.

Software Installation
Open your Windows File Explorer → Downloads folder…
Click “SubCDVR+O v7.x.exe” to run the DVR+O installer and follow the prompts through the installation process.

4. Select “I accept…” and click Next.

5. Click Install.

6. Wait for the installation to complete (it will only take a couple of minutes).
If this is the first time installing DVR+O / SCI on the system, the CodeMeter Runtime Kit for the SubC Software License will install.

7. Click Next.

8. Select “I accept…” and click Next.

9. Select your preferred option and click Next.

10. Click Next

11. Click Install

12. Wait as the CodeMeter Runtime Kit installs (it will just take a moment).

13. This step only pertains to license Option 1 - Plug the CodeMeter License dongle into the System USB port when you see this CodeMeter window. The CodeMeter License dongle must remain plugged into the System otherwise the SubC DVR+O application will not launch.
Option to install/update SubC Inspector
When you install/update the DVR+O / SCI application, you will also be asked if you want to install/update SubC Inspector on this system.
It takes less than a minute and it's good to ensure you are using the latest version of Inspector.
See SubC Inspector User Manual → Software Setup for instruction on how to install Inspector on another system (other than the system on which DVR+O / SCI is installed).

The final step, you can optionally Launch SubC DVR+O. Click Finish