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Starting An Input


Choose an Input type and configure.

Below, is an overview of each of these Inputs.



With SubC Rayfin Cameras connected on your Network, the DVR+O / SCI will automatically detect and list the Rayfin Cameras.


Capture Card


The Capture Card Input allows you to configure a Capture Card (a physical card internal or externally connected to your computer) that is used to capture video and output that video onto the computer.


IP Camera


The IP Camera Input allows you to connect to other IP Cameras that you may have connected to your network.

Put the RTSP string of the IP camera in the Camera Address field. Example Syntax: rtsp://



A SubC Streaming Service subscription is required to enable the Presentation Stream and One-Time Stream features.

Presentations for Presentation Stream are created in the SubC Streaming Service web application and assigned to a Channel. These Presentations are then accessible in SubC Presentations viewer web application and can be used as Presentation Input.


The Presentation Input option allows you to assign an active SubC Presentation or One-Time Stream as Input on a Channel.


Screen Capture


The Screen Capture Input provides the option to select Screen Capture (the full computer monitor display) or a Window Capture (specific window opened on the computer - window must not be minimized) as input to a Channel.


Real-time Image Enhancement


When a Channel is configured with an Input type, the Real-time Inage Enhancement “wand” toggle button will appear in the top, right of the DVR+O / SCI UI


The Real-time Image Enhancement is a feature that will help operators get the job done quickly and efficiently by allowing them to clearly see the videos and stills they're capturing in real time.

The Image Enhancement feature is ideal for water conditions with poor visibility as it helps bring out details in the enhanced video that are normally obscured.

Image Enhancement processes live frames so the framerate is processor dependent.

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